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INI File  |  2009-10-12  |  752b  |  24 lines

  1. [Desktop Entry]
  2. X-AppInstall-Package=fityk
  3. X-AppInstall-Popcon=26
  4. X-AppInstall-Section=universe
  6. Type=Application
  7. Name=fityk
  8. Comment=Peak fitting and data analysis
  9. GenericName=Curve Fitter
  10. Icon=fityk
  11. Exec=fityk %F
  12. Terminal=false
  13. StartupNotify=true
  14. MimeType=application/x-fityk;
  15. # according to: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html
  16. # we need one category from Main Categories list. Two reasonable choices are
  17. # Office and Education. I think Office is more suitable, but some people think
  18. # otherwise. Leaving Science with no Main Category will put the fityk entry
  19. # into Education menu.
  20. #Categories=Science;Office;DataVisualization;GTK;
  21. Categories=Education;Science;DataVisualization;GTK;
  23. X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=app-install-data